Bryant Earns PBIS Platinum Implementation Award - article thumnail image

Bryant Earns PBIS Platinum Implementation Award

From California PBIS: "On behalf of California PBIS, we are pleased to recognize Bryant Arts Academy of the Garden Grove Unified School District for successful PBIS implementation at the PLATINUM level. Your school is a recipient within the California PBIS Recognition System, reflecting excellence in the implementation of the core features of PBIS." Great work Bryant Bears!
Birthday Marquee Fundraiser - article thumnail image

Birthday Marquee Fundraiser!

Want to see your child’s BIRTHDAY on the Marquee?? for $5.00 Please help support our 6th Grade Camp Fundraiser! A week before your child’s BIRTHDAY, come on down to BRYANT’S OFFICE and fill out a form!
TShirts for Sale! - article thumnail image

New Bryant T-shirts available!

Come into the office and purchase a new Bryant T-shirt for $15. The office is open for the new school year, so come on by, make sure your data confirmation is complete for 2024-2025 and pick up a shirt while you're here!
First Day of School - article thumnail image

Frist Day of School is Aug 12

The first day of the 2024-2025 school year is August 12th! We hope you are having a great summer break so far and we look forward to seeing all our Bryant Bears in August!
Bryant Bubble Run Fundraiser! - article thumnail image

Bryant Bubble Run Fundraiser!

On Wednesday the Bryant PTA hosted their first Bubble Run fundraiser event. We raised over $17,000! 🙌🏼 Thank you to our parents and families for your generosity and support! 🙏👏🏼♥️
Stay connected with Bryant by downloading the GGUSD app - article thumnail image

Stay connected with Bryant by downloading the GGUSD app

Garden Grove Unified School District has partnered with ParentSquare to better stay in contact with parents. “We selected ParentSquare in direct response to feedback from parents who asked for more options regarding when and how they receive distric…

Principal's Message

Principal's Message

Dear Bryant Families,

It is my pleasure to welcome you to the 2024-2025 school year and serve as your principal. We are committed to providing our students with a well-balanced education. We firmly believe that all children are special and have dignity and worth, and ALL children can learn. We follow an educational program that is consistent with current research and effective practice and is aligned with the GGUSD Strategic Plan “The Garden Grove Way" which is based on an equation that includes three primary goals: Academic Skills + Personal Skills = Lifelong Success. Our teachers utilize engaging classroom practices and curriculum while integrating AVID strategies, art, technology, socio-emotional learning, and physical education. Our behavioral expectations for all students is G.R.O.W.L., which stands for:


  • Give and Earn Respect
  • Remain Safe
  • Own Your Actions
  • Work with Pride
  • Love to Learn


Our primary form of communication with families is ParentSquare. Please download the ParentSquare app on your mobile phone so that you can ParentSquare posts, text message, and other alerts. Download the ParentSquare from the app store on IOS or Android. Check your email or text for the activation link. Please visit or call our office if you need additional assistance with ParentSquare. You can call us at 714-663-6451. Our office hours are 7:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. 

We are looking forward to a great school year! Thank you for your support and for making Bryant such a special place for children to learn and grow.


Kristine Levenson, Principal



Our School

Welcome to Bryant!

We are proud to be a neighborhood elementary school within the Garden Grove Unified School District serving the communities of Stanton, Anaheim and Garden Grove. Bryant students enjoy a well-rounded curriculum that is grounded in the visual and performing arts, technology and supported by a vibrant Parent Teacher Organization (PTO). Our teachers benefit from Garden Grove’s research-based professional development which provides world-class instruction to Bryant students. The Bryant Campus has 3 modern playgrounds and will be receiving air conditioning renovations in summer 2018. Bryant is also home to a high-quality preschool program, which helps our students be successful in Kindergarten and beyond. We provide academic interventions during the school day and we have an array of after-school enrichment programs free of cost for your child. 

Programs- During The School Day & After-School

Bryant has many programs and after-school activities to benefit our students academically and beyond. Our 1:1 ratio for technology devices (Chromebooks & iPads) in grades 2-6 allows for more personalized learning. As a result, students leave Bryant with strong computer skills that support their transition to middle school. During the school day, all Bryant students enjoy a weekly vocal music class. Additionally, students in grades four through six can elect to be a part of the Bryant Chorus or participate in GGUSD’s award-winning instrumental program. Bryant also partners with Art Masters to provide school-wide arts lessons each trimester that are provided free of cost. Bryant students also benefit from our “GROWL Pride” positive behavior focus, where we recognize students in a monthly assembly for demonstrating our school character traits. We extend opportunities for students to make a positive impact on the Bryant campus through Student Leadership and Student Council in grades 4-6. Finally, Bryant students benefit from weekly visits to our wonderful school library, which has flexible seating furniture, technology, and a wide collection of fiction and non-fiction children’s books.

After-school, the Bryant campus is full of activity! We offer extended learning in a variety of academic and enrichment areas to support our students: 

Imagine Learning is a web-based program that support our students that are new to the country with the acquisition of English. Bryant has a limited number of licenses that are given to students based on need.

AVID Study Skills. Bryant is piloting an after school AVID study skills program in select grade levels. This class is designed to help students with organizational skills and strategies to increase motivation. AVID classes are by invitation only using targeted student data. If space is available, interested students can also be waitlisted with parent request. 

Boys and Girls Club Program Bryant also receives special grant funding for after school childcare and enrichment for grades 2-6 through our on-site Boys and Girls Club program. Registration forms are available in the Bryant Office.

Kids Run the OC, each Spring, Bryant participates in a health and fitness program called “Kids Run the OC.” The culminating event is a 1-mile kids run at the OC Marathon in May. First- Sixth grade students who enroll to participate in this program will meet twice a week to increase their fitness and endurance. There is a mandatory parent meeting that is required to participate.

Spanish Heritage and Culture Program. Bryant is proud to offer Spanish Heritage literacy instruction after school. The class is open to 4-6th graders and space is limited. The class culminates with an art and literacy showcase in our MPR with Mariachis and refreshments.

College and Career Mentoring Program (CCMP). Every 6th grade Bryant student is invited to participate in a 6-week college mentoring program that is led by a successful former Bryant student who is now in college. The purpose of this program is to prepare our students along the pathway to college, which includes the development of a growth mindset, goal setting and a shared set of expectations.

It is our hope that a wide array of programs and supports will make each student reach his or her maximum potential. Please contact the Bryant office for more information on the special programs we offer.

Parent Involvement Opportunities

Bryant has a vibrant PTO which supports many activities during the calendar year including: our Fall Fundraiser, Spirit Wear Sales, Coin Drive, Walkathon, Movie Nights and fun literacy events. Our PTO raises over $25,000 each year to provide field trip transportation for our students and also supports all of our community events that make Bryant an inclusive and motivating school environment for our students and families. To get involved in our events and give input on the programs we offer, please attend a monthly PTO meeting or our quarterly School Site Council meetings. This year we have been promoting our school library as another wonderful place to volunteer! If you would like to become a regular school volunteer, come by the Bryant office to pick up the GGUSD Volunteer Form. We have Spanish and Vietnamese Liaisons available daily to answer any parent questions about your child’s education.